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How To Die? How To Skip It?

How To Die?

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Experiencing suicidal thoughts and urges can be very scary. Many people experience thoughts like these at some point in their lives. When you experience suicide or begin to think about death, it’s important to remember that there are some things you can do to keep yourself safe.

Suicidal thoughts can be complex, confusing, and frightening.

Am I suicidal?

Sometimes you may think that you want to die but may not be confirmed about it. At this time, you need to understand and make sense of the feeling that you are experiencing. Here are some list of the symptoms which would help you to know whether you are suicidal.

You may be experiencing some of the following suicidal thoughts and feelings:

1. Feel sure that you want to die.

2. Desperately want a solution to your nightmare and can’t see any other way out.

3. Don’t care whether you live or die and you are taking more risks or living recklessly.

4. Not actively wanting to kill yourself but would welcome death if it did happen. You may see death as a way of liberation or taking control.

5. Don’t know why you’re having suicidal thoughts or feelings of suicide and are completely powerless to know what to do about it.

What to do if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts of die

 If you sometimes think about ending your life or feel like you want to die, it may be because you don’t see any other solution to the difficulties you’re going through. Sometimes life can be really overwhelming, and it can be incredibly difficult to know how to handle things.

If you think there’s no way out, it can help to know that many people who have contemplated suicide have found those feelings go away, and they were glad they didn’t go through it.

Maybe you feel like there’s no one to rely on to help you, or that you just don’t fit in with the people around you. Sometimes it’s difficult to reach out to others for support but contact with others can make a real difference.

Challenge for psychiatrists

The urge to commit suicide often arises in mentally ill patients, but how to present a persuasive argument to prevent these patients from committing suicide remains a formidable challenge.

The issue is discussed below, referring to the highly publicized Chabot case, in which a psychiatrist assisted in the suicide of a patient who was depressed by the loss of two sons under unfortunate circumstances.

Euthanasia, or assisted suicide, has been commonly criticized for the following reasons:

1)  It is impossible to ascertain whether the patient’s free will, which is considered a fundamental basis of self-determination, was intact at the time of the procedure.

2)  If the practice becomes widespread, the possibility exists for vulnerable patients to receive appropriate medical care.

3)  Often, the desire to die is momentary and ambivalent.

4)  The effects associated with death go beyond the individual and can be particularly intense with family. Each of these arguments can be used as a logical counterargument to suicide, and to the extent that they are based on the fact that death is irreversible, they are effective.

 However, although we are generally opposed to euthanasia and assisted suicide, we believe that these arguments are not appropriate to persuade individual patients not to commit suicide.


An overview of the discussions of the Chabot case is considered useful for considering ways to prevent suicide, including the psychotherapeutic relationship. The issue of how to respond to patients at high risk of suicide in Japan is also considered at the base of these discussions. In the absence of sufficient criteria to determine the capacity of a patient who wishes to die, medical treatment can be provided simultaneously while assessing the patient’s ability, a condition considered meaningless.

Furthermore, there is a danger that strongly promoting the treatment of depression in patients at high risk for suicide denies the patient his free will by inviting him to excessive therapy and encroaching on the patient’s “freedom to die”. We believe it is the only way to get closer to the patient’s pain and suffering, while directly confronting the dilemma of helping the patient live versus the patient’s right to die.

Understanding your Suicidal Thoughts

 It is important to remember that suicidal thoughts are just thoughts. Just because you’re thinking about suicide, doesn’t mean you have to act on these thoughts.

It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed and stressed if you’re going through a tough time, and it can sometimes feel like things will never get better.

If you’re thinking about suicide because you can’t think of any other way, know that there are many ways you can protect yourself and work through your feelings.

Immediate things you can do to manage suicidal thoughts of die

 Postpone any decision to end your life for 24 hours. Use this time to talk to someone you trust.

Talk to someone who can help. Contact a crisis service so they can help you with your immediate situation, and help you find other, long-term support. You can also make an appointment to speak with your doctor or mental health professional.

Develop a safety plan. Anyone who has experienced suicidal thoughts in the past or who is going through a difficult time can plan ahead about how they are going to manage suicidal thoughts or supposed to die if they do come. There are apps to help you create a safety plan, or you can talk to a mental health professional.

Ask for help soon. Talk to someone about how you are feeling. A family member, friend, local doctor, or support service can be a good place to start. If it seems like people aren’t listening, keep asking for help until someone does.

Avoid being alone (especially at night). If possible, stay with a family member or friend, or have someone stay with you until the thoughts of suicide subside. If a trusted person can’t be there, chat with a service online or use one of the 24-hour crisis services. You don’t need to go through this alone.

Avoid drugs and alcohol. Alcohol and many drugs can make you feel worse. They won’t solve your problems and may even make you do things you normally wouldn’t.

We hope this article helps you subside your suicidal thoughts.